Dataset 1 - data represents the overall characteristics of barley straw, total solids, volatile solids, pH in digester, volatile fatty acids (VFAs) production in different organic loadings
Dataset 2 - Represents the biogas and methane production from different organic loadings of barley straw
Dataset 3 - Feedstock characteristics in designed reactor, biogas produced in designed reactor, VFAs in reactor over time, pH and temperature.
Dataset 4 - Modelling of the different organic loadings to the Modified Gompertz Model, First Order Model, Two-fraction first order model and Monod model.
Dataset 5 - NREL characteristics of napier grass, barley straw, and kikuyu grass. Composition of digestate after digestion.
Dataset 6 - Biogas production from different feedstocks (Napier grass, barley straw, kikuyu grass). Modelling of data using the Modified Gompertz Model, First Order Model, Two-fraction first order model and Monod model.