Cape Peninsula University of Technology

Metagenomic data of free cyanide and thiocyanate degrading bacterial communities

Version 2 2019-10-28, 14:18
Version 1 2017-12-01, 13:37
posted on 2019-10-28, 14:18 authored by Mekuto, Lukhanyo Ntwampe, Seteno KO Mudumbi, John BN Akinpelu, Enoch A Mewa-Ngongang, Maxwell
The data presented in this article contains the bacterial community structure of the free cyanide (CN- ) and thiocyanate (SCN- ) degrading organisms that were isolated from electroplating wastewater and synthetic SCN- containing wastewater. PCR amplifi- cation of the 16S rRNA V1-V3 regions was undertaken using the 27F and 518R oligonucleotide primers following the metacommunity DNA extraction procedure. The PCR amplicons were processed using the illuminas reaction kits as per manufacturer's instruction and sequenced using the illuminas MiSeq-2000, using the MiSeq V3 kit. The data was processed using bioinformatics tools such as QIIME and the raw sequence files are available via NCBI's Sequence Read Archive (SRA) database. & 2017 Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY license
