FIGURE 6 in Worming its way in-Polydora websteri (Annelida: Spionidae) increases the number of non-indigenous shell-boring polydorin pests of cultured molluscs in South Africa
posted on 2024-01-22, 15:04authored byNicola Rodewald
FIGURE 6. Chaetal structures of Polydora websteri (SAMC-A089181) from South Africa. (A) falcate spines on chaetiger 5 with white arrow indicating the flange on the concave side and green arrow indicating pennoned companion chaetae, (B) hooded hooks on neuropodium of posterior chaetigers with white arrow indicating the hood and green arrow the constriction at the shaft, (C) spine indicated by white arrow with superior winged chaetae on chaetiger 5, (D) inferior winged chaetae on chaetiger 5; scale bars: 0.05 mm.